


  • Danny Tan (Group Leader) :

           This integrated assignment for Tesco has been a great journey. However, all good things must come to an end someday.  This project has also allowed me to learn more of my group mates : on what everyone’s strengths and weaknesses are. The group has definitely done a great job in covering each other’s weaknesses. Everyone has got their contributions to the group. Quality of work has also been top-notch for everyone. Needless to say, I’m really proud of my group.

              Now moving onto what I’ve learnt from this project, it’s safe to say the knowledge I’d gained along the journey is immense. For example, I’d learnt that Tesco is not just your typical supermarket like the other competitors it’s facing. It has definitely stood out among the rest as its innovation of having an eShop caters to the ever busy working class. It surprised me when I found out most of the supermarkets are franchises. (Thought it has always been decided by the CEO when a new outlet opens). Also, learning that Tesco has had so many CSR events over the past few years really warmed my heart as this shows Tesco is not just about the profit-making but also caring for the needy. One of the biggest challenges faced was understanding the term ‘sustainability’. It was somewhat foreign to us so it gave trouble to everyone.  

             In terms of soft skills, this project has taught me well. As the leader of the group, I’d learnt better on how to communicate effectively with my group. For example. the entire group has to know that I will be collating the work. Otherwise, everyone will send it to different people and make everything really messy.  This journey also highlights the importance of communication not only to my group mates , but also to my tutors. Just like how the word ‘laundry’ was so misleading. (Shoutout to Ms ManMeet). We did have some setbacks in the process, but we overcame the difficulties as a group together. What I have also learnt is that different kind of people requires different kind of approach. Otherwise, everything might backfire, so it’s vital to know how to choose your words correctly. Moving on, I have also learnt on how punctuality is important for group meetings as they may slow the entire group’s tempo down with just a simple excuse of “I overslept”. Meeting deadlines is also really important as once again, it slows down the entire group because of your laziness and incompetence. Despite these few minute problems, everything else is just fantastic.

            Moving onto intrapersonal skills, this project has trained me on how to use my time efficiently. I think this has got to be the hardest part for me as I am used to wasting my time on sleeping and doing activities for my leisure. Adding salt to the wound, we only begun on the project just three weeks before the deadline, so there was little to no time to waste. Needless to say the three weeks were a struggle for me as it contained many sleepless nights and the struggle to do unconstructive activities was huge. At the very least, everything is fine and dandy now. As I had mentioned earlier on top that everyone has got their weaknesses, it’s really important for one to be humble. The first step to learning is to be humble and accept constructive criticism from everyone around you. As a person who is not really organized, problems like last-minute meetings and  missing files here and there arose really quickly. This horrendous experience made me so frustrated so many times, so this here’s to hoping I have learnt to be organized the hard way.

           My group is digital-literate. If I want to announce group meetings, everyone will respond quickly as everyone has Whatsapp. For my group mates like Calv and Yenyie who stays at Cheras and Klang respectively, it is better for them to rush home as to avoid the terrible jam that happens in front of Taylors and of course the highways. I figured this was a really huge problem so I decided for my group to use Skype or Google Hangouts to discuss the projects. The “Show screen” function on Google Hangouts ensured that everyone knew which part of the discussion are we at (The function basically shows what I’m typing onto my computer.). Cloud storage like Dropbox and Google Drive has also served the group well as it acts as a common storage for the group work to be submitted to.  

  • Bok Siao Ying :

           There have many of learning experience I have learned after visit TESCO branch. Those experiences which are I can’t learn it from school. It helps me to gain more knowledge before I graduate and also prepare for my further future to be a good businessman. Apart from this, it lets me know that not only higher education is the best way for us to do the business well and also need to have different experience in the society. So, a businessman with extensive experience is able to solve everything in the best way.

            Doing research at TESCO branch we needs to have a good observation because the space of TESCO branch is big and the goods are many.  On the other hand, I found that after visited TESCO branch, group work is very important for us to complete our integrated assignment as good as possible. This is because group members have different of suggestion it can break complex tasks into parts and steps together. Besides that, group work also can plan and manage our time perfectly, because we can control our time and we are able to identify and set our priorities as well as develop a plan of action to achieve our goals. If we have a good plan and manage our time perfectly it may help us save a lot of time and also spend more time to recheck our assignment. So, the assignment will be able to be more likely better than the first when we were completed.

While I met any problems or feels confuse group members can share different perspectives with me. They help me a lot and give me many of suggestion and also group leader guide me to the right direction while I doing the assignment.  Not only I met problem and also mine group members. So, we working on problems, answering questions about the reading, or discussing case studies, when we work together on content, we can master the basics. The reason we learn is pretty straightforward, when we work with content in a group we are figuring things out for ourselves rather than having the teacher tell us what we need to know.

In addition, group work helps me learn how to work with people outside their circle of friends, including those who have different backgrounds and experiences.From here it used to mean that we need to have a good relationship among group members. Only when we have a good relationship we are able to do everything well. Besides that, I found out that my English is too poor and I always need to figure out the meaning of the words and also keep looking on dictionary to understand the sentences. I wasted a lot of time to do translate so I know that I need to improve my vocabulary as fast as possible.

While doing this integrated project we must reflect on finish our plan in time. We always postpone every section that we plan. Simply means that, we didn’t participate in group meeting, we keep on changing our time and nobody cares about the assignment. It is a vicious circle for us to change our time, this is because we have less time to complete our integrated assignment and the quality of assignment out of complete. So, we need to be more responsible and manage our time well. Apart from this, every group members have different suggestion we don’t even write down the notes ,so we always forget our point and feel confusing every time. We also have wasted a lot of time to redo and research our point.

Next, we always misunderstanding what other talking about. Sometimes we strongly disagree at someone, so we quarrel every time to fight for our opinion. We need to change this habit because it is unnecessary for us to having this attitude while doing the assignment. We must learn how to listen attentively to others not repudiate their suggestion. It is a rude behaviour in a group and also in our social life. Besides that, when group leader asked us to do something we can’t push our responsibility to others. We should do by ourselves and complete it in time. This may make our group to be more efficient in doing everything.

In conclusion, group work let me learn a lot of things. All these knowledge will help me impacts my worldview and lead me to be a good employer or employees in the further future. In my opinion, there are nothing is impossible because it always have the way for us to solve it. We can ask suggestion from friends, teachers and also parents to complete our task. Lastly, I am appreciates to involve in this group, they have teach me a lot and we together solve all those problem as well as possible.

  • Chan Yen Yie :

As a student of the Foundation in Business course in Taylor’s University, I’m honoured to be given a chance to pay a visit to Tesco hypermarket with my group mates which is to be done in the integrated assignment. During the visit, I was supposed to make an observation on the business situations that Tesco is currently running through. I find this really interesting and is a great way of learning as it can help the business students to understand about business in an easier way. Moreover, it also did help in improving my observation skills as I had to pay attention to all the stuffs and even on those little things. Apart from that, this assignment required a lot of group works which enhanced social skills and interaction that had built up a good relationship between me and my group mates. We worked together as a group by breaking tasks to each person and helped each other solving the problems on the assignment. As a result, the learning outcomes are improved and a better work is produced.

For Economic which is among one of the modules I am currently studying, I had taken a few pictures of the economic problems which I realised that Tesco itself is having during the visit and had also given the explanation of the pictures. I was hoping that Tesco takes it as a serious problem and would pay more attention to it. In order to run a successful business and meet the goal, the management have to take action about the problems. However, it is also a great opportunity in helping me to be more alert so that I will not make the same mistakes and face the same problems as Tesco is facing now in my future business. Besides that, I was also required to provide some methods on improving the traders’ competitiveness. I supposed that the methods that I had suggested will be helpful for the traders to become a better one. Through the research I had done, I had also gained a lot of knowledge in being a good trader.   

Other than that, I had learnt a new topic which is about the corporate social responsibility (CSR) that is somehow important for a company in order to be successful. I did some research on the corporate social responsibility programme that Tesco was involved in over the past few years. Tesco had unexpectedly given me a good image of them for having their CSR events which I did not realise about it earlier. This shows that they did not only focus on earning a profit but they also care about the society. By doing the research, I found out that there’s so many people out there that were facing difficulties which I did not know about it before this. It did motivated me to be kind and more caring to the people who needed help.

Talking about what I had learnt from group working, responsibility is what everyone should behave in order to outcome a high quality work. Everyone is responsible in completing the tasks given by the group leader. If anyone in the group is failed to do so, it will surely delay the completion of our project and might not be able to submit the work on time. Time management is also really important. If one is not punctual and does not show up at the meeting, this may cause problems to the other group mates and the jobs will not be able to be conducted well. Apart from that, this assignment had given me a better communication skills with other people. In order to complete this assignment smoothly, I have to be able to communicate with my group mates well so that there is no confliction happened among us. However, if we do not have good communication skills, I’m sure that there will be arguments on disagreeing with each other. On the other hand, group work also allows me in getting together and solving problems together with my group mates. For example, when we do not get what lecturer is asking for in the questions, the group leader makes us discuss the questions together until we solve the problems.

I personally find this assignment really helpful for me in having good relationships with people surrounding me as I am a quiet person which causes me not able to communicate well with other people. I understand that if I do not have good communication skills, it will affect me in my future as it is what a business person should have in the first place. I truly appreciate my group mates that have help me out so much, especially my group leader who had did so well in his part.

  • Calv Chee :

     This reflective report is going to show my experience of visiting TESCO Supermarket at Puchong and how interesting it is to get through this integrated project. I have managed to gain a lot of experiences and knowledge by doing this project. This project has taught me that we need to work together as a team. Our purpose of visit to TESCO is to investigate how the business runs, how they manage their systems, the facilities that are provided and few others. I work together with three of my group members, Danny (group leader), Siao Ying and Yen Yie. Only after this project do we really get together very well.. On our visit to TESCO, I did not reach at a previously designated time due to the heavy traffic. I apologized to each of them for not being on time. This reminds me that punctuality is the key to success especially in a group work. Since then, I always leave the house early when I have meetings with them. In this integrated project, the assignments for Economics, Business Enterprise, Accounting, and Information Technology were all divided among our group members. Each of us was assigned to complete one particular assignment. For example, I am assigned to do the Accounting assignment. As a team, they have always been very understanding as they know I have difficulty completing the assignment, they have always offered a helping hand throughout the progress of completing it. I have learned that understanding and tolerance are vital to complete a task especially working in a team. This gives me a lot of encouragement and motivation to complete it. I am constantly reminding myself to not disappoint them. Being as a team with them, I have learned that individual weaknesses may be converted to strengths where team strengths covering up individual weaknesses. I have found out that working together can help to improve my interpersonal skills (TGC 5.0) both verbally and non-verbally. I learn to accept the views of others despite having different opinion on certain cases. Previously, I refused to listen or accept opinions that are dissimilar as mine. Now, having such an understanding team has taught me to learn to respect the views of other. As a business student, I have always wanted to start a business of my own. In future, I will be able to attract more customers to purchase my products. This will help me gain more profit and I will be able to expand my business by having good interpersonal skills and other qualities of a successful businessman.

Besides, working in a team has gradually improved my communication skills (TGC 4.0). Before we were teamed up as a group, I rarely had the opportunity to talk to anyone and have always had difficulty to communicate with other people due to my nervousness. I used to get nervous when I talked to others because my English pronunciation was not as fluent. I had difficulty approaching others for help. Throughout this project, we have always been helping one another so that it makes work easier and lighter. Today, in the world of commerce, interpersonal skills and communication skills are both equally important. For example, we have to clearly communicate with other companies when we are having a business trade or deal. We need to be very confident in ourselves in what we talk and how we react to others when we are having meetings or business trades. In that way, it would sound more persuasive both to the customers and stakeholders of a company. Having these communication skills allow me to get a job that I desire in the near future. This allows me to get a job easily because I have the right skills that a company requires.

On the other hand, another learning experience that I have gathered is that thinking critically and creatively is important to arrive at the best solution. We can have unlimited ideas for what we want to do if we think critically. We don’t have to fear that’s right or wrong, we just have to share our ideas or opinions so that we can discuss whether it is suitable to use it on our project or not. Other than that, we learn to plan well to do the project. Leader had assigned us what to do so that we have to complete them in a designated time. Our assignments are equally divided among us to make work easier. Strategic planning teaches us how to manage our time wisely. Problems solving often involves decision making and it is especially important for leadership and management. This integrated project has helped me to think wisely and improved my thinking and problems solving skills (TGC 3.0). Having the ability to think critically and come up with the best solution will benefit me in many ways. For instance, I will be able to solve business issues like shortage of capital, decreasing sales, and others without prior difficulties. In that way, business will able to gain more profit and a high productivity. On a regular basis, we often encounter problems. Therefore, I can apply these critical thinking and problem solving skills in my daily life. These problems may be as simple as deciding what color of blouse to wear to work or they may be a difficult situation like choosing between two job offers in different fields. Therefore, these problem solving and critical thinking skills will help me to make better choices now and then.